
Spices are a very important part of you cafe as a majority of the money you make will come from the use of these spices. Spices are used to prepare special orders that customers will ask for in your cafe. Delivering the correct special order will grant you huge chunks of money.

In the game there are a total of 10 different spices that you can acquire in various ways which shall be discussed bellow. Theses spices are divided into 4 Groups or 4 Tiers. Each of these tiers is distinguished with a color code that helps identify the tier of spice.

Customer in your cafe from time to time will ask for special orders that are indicated with a star like logo in a speech bubble over their head. Click this to see what they want, alternatively click on the customer and talk to him by asking if they want something special. Each special order uses one or more spice in the recipe. These order must be prepared and delivered by the user himself, the servers/baristas will not be able to server these special orders. If you do not know the ingredients for the recipe, you can either clock the arrow button next to the name of the recipe when talking to the customer or you can look it up in the special tab in your menu.

The 4 Tiers and their respective spices are as follows in ascending order:

White: (Tier 1)

Pink: (Tier 2)


Blue: (Tier 3)


Yellow: (Tier 4)

How To Acquire Spices:
There are many ways that you can obtain spices in the game.

1. Daily Gift / Store Gifts: Gifts can be purchased directly from the store for real money or can be acquired from customers for completion of certain tasks/missions as part of the story. The color of the gift will determine what tier of spices you will get from it. Along with spices gifts also may give some other rewards such as money or diamonds. The amount of spices or money you get from the gift is not fixed and may vary.

The Daily Gift is acquired from Ann by leveling up the DailySimpleGift skill in the special skills tab for her. Based on the level of the skill you will get one or more daily gifts. The daily gift is of Tier 1 (white) so will contain one or more of rose, anise, money or diamonds in random ratios. This is very useful as it helps start your special orders. 

2. Telephone Orders: Telephone orders can be completed in order to gain lots of spices, but that can be done only after level 6 when you unlock the phone. Each day you will receive 3 new phone orders that you can complete to gain the spice that are listed as a reward for it. The reward spices can be from any tier and the quantity usually is somewhere around 1-3 spice per order.

Refreshing phone orders costs 10 Diamonds and will provide you with another 3 NEW phone orders. The number of times you can refresh per day depends on your VIP level and the cost for each refresh daily will increase as you go on refreshing. (Daily reset)
NOTE: If you refresh without completion of previous orders, they will be REPLACED. So it is advised to complete the 3 daily orders before refreshing.

Another way to get telephone orders is via the town. Once you have joined a town (at level 10), you will get 3 phone orders daily from it. For that you must visit your town and look for customer icons over the houses. Click them to accept the order. Once you go back to you cafe the orders should show up in the telephone orders tab.
NOTE: Orders received from town are independent of those acquired as a daily. Therefore you can refresh the phone orders even with town orders still pending. They will not be replaced.

3. Spice Store/VIP Spice Store: Spices can also be bought for diamonds from the store. All 10 spices are available for purchase with diamonds and the prices increase as you go up the tiers.

4. Daily Log In Rewards: Spices can also be gotten from the daily log in rewards which may vary weekly.

5. Staff special skills: Some staff members have special skills that grant you daily spices based on the level of their special skill. Click any staff member and see under his/her special skills to know more. Spices earned can be of different types ranging from tier 1 till tier 4. 
The Spice Box :

The spice box is used to store the spices that you acquire. At the beginning you will only have 3 slots open in the spice box. You may unlock more by using diamonds. The amount of spaces and the cost for each space unlocked will depend on your VIP level, the higher your VIP level the more spaces can be unlocked as well as the cost to unlock an additional space will reduce.
Considering that there are only 10 types of spices, an ideal situation would be to unlock 10 slots. This might be challenging to those who do not want to spend real money in the game to acquire VIP points.

BE CAREFUL: In case all your open spice slots are occupied and you get a new spice that is not already in your box, You will have to either purchase another slots or delete any 1 of the spices currently in the box or in your hand. Therefore it is always better to keep track of what spices you have stored and to use up some spices before getting new ones.

NOTE: Each open slot can hold only 1 type of spice at a time and a maximum of 11-13 quantity of that spice depending on the tier. 


  1. Both Nutmeg and Ginseng can only hold 10 maximum.

    1. No, they can have 13

    2. Mine is limited to 10 only too, for all spice type

    3. I'm currently holding 14. It Increases with VIP level


    4. I found the working tool for My Cafe: Recipes and Stories which gives you unlimited on EVERYTHING and you can also unlock EVERYTHING. It really Goddamn usefull haha!

      CLICK HERE for THE only working hack/cheat tool

      CLICK HERE for THE only working hack/cheat tool

      It also has instructions on using for those new to this! Enjoy guys and just wanna say that this game is soooo addictive! :D

    5. All of the normally hold 10. But, if you are vip it can be till 15-20 spices.

    6. Is it a must to spend money in term to be VIP?

    7. Mine is max of 10 per box of one kind

  2. Replies
    1. Cinnamon is not a spice. You get it by buying the Cinnamon dispenser can from the store.

  3. Why are my town orders always the same? I am on level 24 and I always get the same 3 people each day with the same orders and rewards. Does it change per level or periodically?

  4. How come I cannot purchase other spices from the Vip spice stores when in fact I already purchased vip 1.

    1. Once u used up your VIP 1 spice limit.. you'll to upgrade to VIP 2 and then higher.. theres always a limit

    2. Once u used up your VIP 1 spice limit.. you'll to upgrade to VIP 2 and then higher.. theres always a limit

    3. you need to be VIP 2 (Not VIP 1) to purchase int VIP spice store

  5. Bro it's vip 2 not 1

  6. How do I upgrade to VIP 2? I have all the spices in my box, all my slots are open and am in level 23... I only get to store 10 slices each in the box

  7. Can I combine spice into 1 slot. I have 2 slot of rose pedals? Can I combine both slots to 1?

    1. Yes u can but if u are not a VIP member u can store up to max of 10 spices per slot

    2. Yes u can but if u are not a VIP member u can store up to max of 10 spices per slot

    3. Yes u can but if u are not a VIP member u can store up to max of 10 spices per slot

  8. need staff member who can give star anise... really need that spice...

    1. You need to patiently wait for it to appear in the candidates list. It takes a day/24 hrs to refresh but you can always spend some diamonds to haste. Though there's no assurance that the next refresh will give you the staff you want.

  9. What is the meaning of negative number in your spice box?

  10. Do you know how long before special orders reset? Every 4 hrs? 5 hrs? I really wanna know. Appreciate your replies

    1. when u finish full order for every customer, u tap him/her and u can see he/she said "i will need other order in 1hour or a half" ... and i think their orders will be refreshed after 1 hour.

  11. Thank you for taking the time to reply but that is not my question. I was asking about the SPECIAL ORDERS. The ones with the spices. How many times a day do they refresh? How long does it take to wait for the customers to order a new batch of SPECIAL orders? I guess only the developers know that.

  12. it's depend on the situation. for example, if you fulfilled all the special requests, then wipe the app, and wait for 2 hours, after that try to open the app, and wait until all the guests are in your cafe to see is there any special requests or no, if there is no special requests, wait for another 2 hours and you'll get it for sure. hope it helps :) and please let me know if anyone knows how to speed this up (by changing the time on device I mean, if it's possible), I'm so annoyed because I can't finish my festival task quickly :(

  13. after how much time; can the waiter ask forfresh something else (special order) to a customer

  14. How many gifts i can store at level 23?

  15. How do you have more than enough Rose's but a spot says -2 Rose's? I tried to combine into a stack of Rose's and it stole 2 Rose's. How is it possible to have negative makes no sense!

  16. What is thr Time period after which town order refresh and how to find it ???

  17. How can I get the cinnamon I deleted 😢😢

  18. How can I combine the same spices in a separate slot, I need the other slot for other spice

  19. Ahojte da sa darovať korenie? V skupine niekomu?

  20. How special orders prepared by the ourself? Help me

  21. How to get cardamon?
    And when annete gives me cardamon?

  22. How to you actually combine the spices with the tea or coffee?
    I gurss i accidentally missed the tutorial?

  23. Does anyone know what the price is for all the spices and gold. I am a max VIP and I have a township but I have members who aren't VIP and don't get the discounted spice price. When giving diamonds all I have to go by is what I pay for spices and according to some of my township teammates I'm not giving enough diamonds to cover their spices.

    1. How many spice can be stored in one spice box at vip 4

  24. At what level do we get special telephone orders?

  25. How many spice can be stored in one spice box at vip 4

  26. What happens if all spice slots are unlocked?

  27. What is the time limit for species refresh ?
    When will the customers change their species?
